About Us
The entire campus is the computer centre. Every student carrying a laptop is provided access to the Academy’s network and servers.
Every student would either bring his/her own laptop as per the specifications prescribed or shall be provided at cost, a new laptop. In either case, the minimum specifications of the laptop notebook would not be less than:
In either case, the laptop will be submitted for loading of licensed operating and application software and virus protection. No pirated software would be allowed on the campus.
The state-of-the art computer network a blend of optical fibre and Wi-Fi provides internet and other connectivity throughout the campus in the classrooms, cafeteria, tutorial rooms, hallways, hostels, faculty housing and even in open spaces. A set of high-end servers support the network.
The library at NAM is planned to be the liveliest place on the campus, providing friendly environment, where students would love to spend time in pursuit of knowledge and academic excellence. The procurement of academic resources in the library is guided by the Library Committee that includes students as its members. It houses a combination of carefully selected print and digital resources that include text and reference material, journals, magazines, periodicals, on-line resources, and highly respectable databases for research.

Our Aim
- To deliver a broad, balanced, relevant curriculum.
- To provide access to all areas of the curriculum regardless of race, gender or disability.
- To encourage pupils to achieve their full academic and social potential, whilst appreciating their own unique worth.
- To foster a good working relationship between students, institute and community.
- To encourage self discipline, good behaviour and respect for others.
- To develop respect for religious and moral values and understanding of other races, religions and ways of life.
- To provide continuity by careful recording of student’s progress, assessment and the setting of challenging, personal targets and by liaison with institutes of higher education.
- To begin to prepare pupils for adult life in a rapidly changing world.
Our Ideal
Nonalignment does not mean passivity of mind or action, lack of faith or conviction. It does not mean submission to what we consider evil. It is a positive and dynamic approach to such problems that confront us. We believe that each country has not only the right to freedom but also to decide its own policy and way of life. Only thus can true freedom flourish and people grow according to their own genius.
Jawaharlal Nehru
December 18, 1956. Washington, D.C.
Enjoy The Best Experience with Us
- We use different methods of innovative teaching, including dialog and new technology, to realize our passion for learning across disciplines, campuses and continents. NAM is heavily influenced by Indian tradition of educating the whole person.
- The Institute offers degree, diploma and certificate courses of leading Universities recognized by UGC, AICTE and DEC to students.
- To encourage pupils to achieve their full academic and social potential, whilst appreciating their own unique worth.
- There are dozens of courses serving a wide variety of interests. For working students there are specially designed weekend classes. Besides that NAM offers apprenticeship to meritorious students as well so that they can earn while they learn.
- NAM boasts a national and international reputation with its offer of over 50 high quality Higher Education programs from Certificates and Diplomas to Degrees, Honours Degrees, post-graduate programs in a range of vocational and academic subjects to M Phil and PhD. Most of our undergraduate programs are work related and geared to enabling our students to secure employment in a range of professions and careers.
- Our support services, such as the library, counsellors, financial advice, disability support and many others, aim to help students throughout their studies and in their personal lives, if necessary.